e Dust Learning Le

ε Dust +

ε Dust +

Dust is more than dirt, mostly a mixture of different 
Things like pollen, textile fibers, dead skin cells, plants 
Parts, air pollutants, small particles from concrete, 
Plaster, asphalt and more.

Dry dust on a shoe sole 
Gives high quality prints on floors and paper. These 
Prints can be lifted with Electrostatic Technique. 
The electrostatic dust print lifter εDust+ is designed to 
It gives a good result by lifting dust prints from most types. 
Of surfaces.

Safety and hazard information. Danger high
voltage, only to be used by trained personnel.

The unitproduces up to 12000 volts with a low
current stress, but can potentially cause an
electrical shock.

Do not touch the lifting film, high voltage probe

or ground plate while the power is active

> Lifting prints from smaller areas

First, search the floor for footprints with oblique, low-angle light. Here we use a Versa Light Max

After you have found footprints, there may be a lot of loose debris on the floor. To get a good print for the lifting film, you may have to remove debris that lies on the floor. Do that with a small blower.
Cut an appropriate size sheet of lift film from the roll and place it on the found footprint with the silver side facing up.
Place the ground plate on the floor 1 – 2 cm from the lifting film edge.
Placed the εDust+ Unit on the ground plate and the two ground connectors to the ground plate and the high voltage, connector to the lifting film.

Switch on the high voltage and adjust to a suitable level. Lower voltage level for stone floor and higher for wooden and plastic floors. If the red diode is not lighted, check that the ground connector has contact with the ground plate and high voltage connector to the lifting film.

If only one ground connector has contact with the ground plate, no high voltage is produced. This function is for minimizing the risk of electrical shocks by touching the high voltage connector.
Air bubbles between the lifting film and floor can be easy. 
Be reduced with the “Plastic Flattener”

Certain floor types like wood and plastic floors sometimes do not provide enough ground connection.

To increase the ground voltage and maximize the dust lifting. Make the area of ground connection larger by using a piece of lifting film, approximately 30 x 40 cm like shown in the picture.

Place that film on the silver facing the floor, 3-4 cm from the lifting film and overlap a small part of the ground plate. Then use the εDust+ unit in the normal way..

> Lifting prints from larger areas

Search the floor for prints with oblique, low-angle light. Here we use a Versa Light Max.

After you have found footprints, there may be a lot of loose debris on the floor.

To get a good print for the lifting film, you may have to remove debris that lies on the floor. Do that with a small blower.

Place the lifting film roll in a suitable position on the floor for rolling out on the interesting area and rollout the lifting film.

At this moment, only 10-15 cm of the film is on the silverside as shown in the picture.

Place the ground plate 1-2 cm from the sheet edge and place the εDust+ placed with both ground connectors to the ground plate and the high voltage connector to the lifting film. Switch on The εDust+
Roll out the lifting film over the floor with
High voltage on
Removing air bubbles between the lifting film and the floor. That can easily be reduced with the “Plastic Flattener”.

> Transport and store lifted prints

To avoid electrical shock, when lifting the lifting film, switch off them εDust+ and make sure not to hold or touch the ground – or high voltage connections.

Cut of the used film of the roll. Secure it with tape and roll up the lifting film on a paper tube.

The lifted dust print will not release from the lifting film other than by physical touch.

It means that you can store the film for a long time, waiting for the comparison with suspected shoes.

> Lifting prints from cardboard paper

Lifting prints from cardboard paper and similar items that have inadequate ground lead

Adhere a piece of the lifting film on the underside of the cardboard. This will function as a ground connection.
Connect the yellow ground cable to the yellow socket and the red high voltage probe cable to the red socket on the unit.

Connect the yellow ground cable with a yellow alligator clip to the ground lifting film which is under the cardboard. Place the roll in a suitable position on the cardboard for rolling out.

To avoid electric shock, when lifting the print, make sure not to hold or touch the high voltage connector or the probe.

Switch on the high voltage and apply the electrostatic energy to the film by using the red cable with a high voltage probe and connect to the lifting film. Roll out the lifting film over cardboard and remove air bubbles with a “Plastic Flattener”.

> Photographing lifted prints

Sometimes the quality and contrast of a lifted print is not as good because of disturbing lifted background dust.

Solving that can be very easy, try and “rinse” the lifted print by blowing the surface with compressed air like the pictures show.

Make sure that no dust from the print is removed when blowing, remove only the background dust.

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